Andrej Mitevski

Andrej Mitevski (1976) is a visionary Macedonian sculptor whose artwork has been exhibited in China (2008, 2022), Japan (2007), the Netherlands (2006), Greece (2014, 2015, 2016), Serbia (2008, 2023), Montenegro (2022), and in various Macedonian art museums and galleries.

A Marvel in Marble.

Andrej carves abstract and figurative life forms, such as leaves, feathers, cobwebs, honeycombs, as well as natural patterns and ethereal shapes. One of the hallmark elements of his sculptures is the finely entwined three-dimensional curves in marble, which leave us marveling at the artist’s skill to gently shape stone into intricate, living flows.

He prefers marble and feels a special connection to it, but he also enjoys working with onyx and travertine. Although large sculptures require heavy-duty machinery, Andrej loves the intimacy of hand tools, especially when working on delicate details.

“I try to elicit the tenderness of the stone,” says this Stone Whisperer. “The stone speaks to me, and I listen. It tells me which shape it wants to become, where to cut, and how to work with it.”

Galerie des oeuvres

Andrej Mitevski

List of Exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions : Symposiums of Sculpture :
2024 – Sakura Festival, Skopje, Macédoine 2021 – Cairo International Sculpture Symposium, Egypte
2023 – Differdange International Sculpture Symposium, Luxembourg 2019 – Hurghada International Sculpture Symposium, Egypte
2021 – Europe House, Strumica, Macédoine 2018 – Aiud International Sculpture Symposium, Roumanie
2020 – Skopje, Macédoine 2018 – Korca Parks International Sculpture Symposium, Albanie
2018 – Ostraka Arts International Sculpture Symposium, Egypte 2016 – Sao Jose International Sculpture Symposium, Brésil
2016 – MYRO Gallery, Thessalonique, Grèce 2015 – Drum de Brankusi International Sculpture Symposium, Craiova, Roumanie
2012 – Gallery “OKO”, Skopje, Macédoine 2015 – International Sculpture Symposium, Braila, Roumanie
2009 – Museum of the City of Skopje, Macédoine 2015 – International Sculpture Symposium, Prilep, Macédoine
2008 – Galerija “Kolarac”, Belgrade, Serbie 2014 – Caransebes Sculpture Symposium, Roumanie
2006 – Babel Centre of Contemporary Art, Utrecht, Pays-Bas 2013 – Shumadija Granite Symposium, Arangelovac, Serbie
2003 – Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macédoine 2013 – Sculpture Symposium, Panevezus, Lituanie
2000 – House of Robevci, Ohrid, Macédoine 2013 – Outdoor Sculpture Symposium, Guandu Park, Taipei, Taïwan
1999 – CIX Gallery, Skopje, Macédoine 2013 – Greek Marble Initiative, Grèce
2011 – International Sculpture Symposium, Santiago del Estero, Argentine
2008 – Coreno Ausonia, Italie
2007 – Roca di Archi International Sculpture Symposium, Italie
2006 – Nasunogahara International Sculpture Symposium, Otawara, Japon
2004 – Roca di Archi, San Giovanni Incarico, Valemaio, Italie
2000 – Cervara di Roma, Italie
1999 – Atina, Italie
1999 – Valemaio, Italie
1997-1998 – Prilep, Macédoine